Zodiac 星座 | Planets 行星 | Houses 住宅 | Angles 角度 |
Angles between Planets - Keywords
Angle Name
Degrees Apart
Conjunction |
0 |
0 |
Prominence, reinforcement |
10 |
Sextile |
60 |
1/6 |
Harmony, opportunity |
7 |
Square |
90 |
1/4 |
Conflict, obstacle, stress |
8 |
Trine |
120 |
1/3 |
Harmony, talent, ease |
8 |
Opposition |
180 |
1/2 |
Separation, divergence, tension |
10 |
Angles are in degrees based on 360 degrees in a circle.
* The “orb” is the leeway (in degrees) within which the angle applies. For
example, Sun and Moon within 10 degrees of each other (as viewed from Earth) can
be considered, for astrological purposes, conjunct.
The orbs listed here are a general guide, but vary from planet to planet,
and from astrologer to astrologer.