Zodiac 星座   Planets 行星   Houses 住宅   Angles 角度

Sun, Moon, and Planets - Keywords

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Planetary Keywords 星球的關鍵語 guan1-jian4-yu3

Sun 太陽︰ Vitality 生命力, individuality 個性 (個人主義), will (determination) 意志 yi4-zhi4 power 力, leadership 領導 ling3-dao3, vigor 活力 huo2-li4, ego 自我, masculine pride (dignity) 男性的自尊 zi4-zun1, creativeness 創造力 chuan4-zao4-li4, authority權威 quan2-wei1。 Real self 真實的自己; father 父親, husband 丈夫 zhang4-fu1, males 男人, head of a group 團體長?, employer 雇主 gu4-zhu3 (“employ” + “owner, master”)。
Moon 月球︰ Fluctuation 波動 bo1-dong4 (“waves” + “move”),change 改變 gai3-bian4, domestic 家庭的 jia1-ting2 de0, instinctual 本能的, impressionable 可使印象深刻 ke3 shi3 yin4-xiang4 shen1-ke4 ?,nourishing 滋養 zi1-yang3 (“to grow” + “to raise, grow”), receptivity 能接納 neng2-jie1-na4 (:”able” + “receive, accept” + “receive, accept, take in”), feminine pride女性的自尊 zi4-zun1,response (reaction) 回應 hui2-ying4。  Subconscious 下意識 xia4-yi4-shi4, mother 母親, wife 妻子, females ,女人, public 公眾。.
Mercury 水星︰ Communication 溝通,expression 表達 biao3-da2, adaptability 適應性 shi4-ying4-xing4 (適 suitable), intellect 智力 zhi4-li4, perception 知覺 zhi1-jue2 (“to know” + “to sense, become aware of”), self-expression 個性表現 (“personality, individuality, particularity, specific characters, individual characteristics” + “to manifest”), alertness 警覺 jing3-jue2 (“vigilant” + “to sense, become aware”), thought [noun] 思考 si1-kao3 ?, skill 技能 ji4-neng2 (“skill” + “ability”),dexterity ?巧 ?-qiao3 (“ ? “ + “ingenious, cunning”)。  Self-objective (unbiased) awareness 自己客觀的察覺 ?ke4-guan1 (“guest” + “to observe”) cha2-jue2 (“to closely examine, observe” + “to sense”),children 小孩, young people 年輕人,messenger 送信人。
Venus 金星︰ Association (connection) 連合, harmony 調和 [noun] tiao2-he2 (“to blend” + “peace, harmony”), attraction 吸引力 xi1-yin3-li4 (“to inhale, suck, draw in, attract” + “to attract”; 引力 gravity),ease 舒適 shu1-shi4 (“easy, comfortable” + “suitable”),love 愛情, pleasure (enjoyment), 快樂 (enjoyment) 樂趣 le4-qu4, affection 情愛, mildness [not just temperature] 溫和 ? wen1-he2, decoration 裝飾 (“dress up, pretend to be” + “decorations, adornment”)。        Females 女人, loved ones 愛情的人 ?, artists 藝術家.
Mars 火星︰ Energy 精力 jing1-li4 (or 力氣?),        initiative (first step) 初步 chu1-bu4, action 行動,aggression積極?ji1-ji2 (“to accumulate, amass” + “utmost, extreme”), assertion 斷言 duan4-yan2 (“not continuous; to cut off; to decide” + “speech”), courage 勇氣 yong3-qi4 construction 建造 jian4-zao4,destruction 破壞 po4-huai4, passion 熱情, independence 獨立 du2-li4 (“single, alone, only” + “stand”)Males 男人, soldiers 軍人 jun1-ren2, surgeons 外科醫生, mechanics 技匠 (or 技師 ?  ji4-shi1)。
Jupiter 木星︰ Expansion 擴大 kuo4-da4 (or 擴張 kuo4-zhang1?), benevolence 仁 ren2 ?, vision 遠見 juan3-jian4, abundance 豐 富 feng1-fu4 (“plentiful” + “wealthy”), devotion ? (reverent, devout) 虔敬 qian2-jing4) [or strong love熱愛 re4-ai4], protection 保護 bao3-hu4, optimism 樂觀主義 le4-guan1-zhu3-yi4 (“joyous, happy” + “to observe” + “-ism”), justice 正義 zheng4-yi4, prosperity 繁榮 fan2-rong2 (“abundant” + “flourishing”), generosity 寬大 [or 寬慨 ?  kuan1-kai3] 。 Professions 職業, judges 法官 fa3-guan1 (“law” + “government official”), lawyers 律師 lv4-shi1 (“a law, a rule” + “teacher”), clergymen 牧師 mu4-shi1 (“to herd” + “teacher”), lawmakers 立法者 li4-fa3-zhe3,athletes 體育運動 ti3-yu4 yun4-dong4, mature people of benefic nature ? 。
Saturn 土星︰ Contraction 收縮 shou1-suo1 (“gather” + “shrink”)system 系統 ?xi4-tong3, limitation 有限, restriction 限制 xian4-zhi4 (“limit” + “control”)tradition 傳統 chuan2-tong3 prudence 謹慎 jin3-shen4 (“cautious, discreet” + “cautious”), framework 骨架 (“bone, frame, rib” + “frame, rack”) crystallization 結晶化 ? jie2-jing1-hua4 (jie1 durable; jie2 to form” + “quartz, rock crystal”), persistence 堅持 jian1-chi2 (“solid, firm” + “to hold”), discipline ? (order) 紀律 ji4-lv4 (“rules” + “law”)。 Older males 老男人 ? , authority (one in power) 當權者 dang1-quan2-zhe3, older people 老人, statesmen 政治家 zheng4-zhi4-jia1, administrators 管理人guan3-li3-ren2, teachers 老師。
Uranus 天王星︰ Uniqueness 獨特性 ( 獨 du2, “single”),disruption 瓦解 wa3-jie3 (“roof tile” + “understand”),originality 獨創性 du2-chang4-xing4 (“single” + “original” + …), unexpected 意外的 yi4-wai4-de0, eccentric 古怪的人 gu3-guai4 (“old” + “strange”),altruism 利他行為 li4-ta1 xing2-wei2 (“sharp” + “other: he” + “behavior”),renunciation 放棄 fang4-qi4 (“to set free, set forth, drive out” + “to discard, abandon”), nonconformist 不順 從一般認信念習慣的人 bu2 shun4-cong2 yi1-ban1 ren4-xin4 nian4 xi2-guan4 de0 ren2 (順從 to yield to, “same direction as” + “follow; from, since) (認 “to recognize”) (信念 “conviction”),progressive jin4-bu4 de0進步的,invention 發明。 Inventors 發明家, reformers gai3-ge2-zhe3改革者,altruists 利他主義者, rebels ? 叛徒 pan4-tu2 (“to revolt, betray” + “to go on foot”),psychologists 心理學家,humanitarians 人道主義 (人道 humane, human sympathy)。
Neptune  海王星︰ Visionary 有遠見者,utopian 烏托邦的wu1-tuo1-bang1 de0 (“dark” + “to hold in the palm of the hand” + “nation”), mystic 神祕的 shen2-mi4 (“spirit” + “secret”), idealistic 理想的, illusion 幻影 huan4-ying3 (“illusionary” + “a shadow”), confusion 困惑 kun4-huo4 (“besieged” + “puzzled”), mediumistic 通靈的 tong1-ling2 de0 (“unobstructed, thru” + “soul”), imaginative 想像的 xiang3-xiang4 de0), vagueness 模糊 ?mo2-hu4 (“a mold; form” + “paste, glue”), inspiration 靈感 ling2-gan3 (“soul; spirit” + “feel”)。 Mystics神祕主義者, prophets 預言家 yu4-yan2-jia1 (“in advance, beforehand” + “speech”), ? [or:  先知 xian1-zhi1, first to know] , promoters 促 進者 cu4-jin4-zhe3 (“to urge” + “move forward; enter”), actors 演員 yan3-yuan2, seafaring men 海員, recluse 隱士 yin3-shi4 (“concealed; dormant” + )。 
Pluto 冥王星: ming2-wang2-xing1 :  Regeneration 革新 ge2-xin1, mutation 突變 tu2-bian4 (“to break out” + “become different”), transformation 變形 bian4-xing2 (“to become different” + “to observe; a sight”) or 改觀 ? gai3-guan1 (“to change” + “to observe”), integration 結合性 性? jie2-he2-xing4 (“to tie, to knot” + “to agree with; combine” + ), collectivity 集體性  性? ji2-ti3 (“to get together” + “body”) , coercion 強迫  性? qiang3-po4 xing4 (“strong” + “to compel”), inversion 倒轉 ? dao4-zhuan3, anonymity 匿名 ni4-ming  性? (“hide” + “name”), domination 支配 性 zhi1-pei4 (“a branch” + “to match, to combine”)。. Groups 群 qun2; organizations 組 織 zu3-zhi1 (“to organize” + “to weave”); spiritual leader 精神領導 jing1-shen2 ling3-dao3, gangster 歹徒 dai3-tu2 (“evil doer, outlaw” + “to go on foot”); monopoly 專賣 zhuan1-mai4.

© by Grant Moore

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